
Foreign Currency Account

One Passbook Involving Multi-Currency Current /Time Deposit Accounts.

Account Features

  1. One passbook involves the various foreign currency deposit.
  2. One passbook recording the account balance and details of transactions in original foreign currency.
  3. Several options to credit to accounts: e.g. credit to account by inward remittance abroad or by money exchange.
  4. One passbook containing current & time deposit accounts. Certificate of deposit is not required (at your choice) for easier record keeping.
  5. Time deposit account is automatically renewed upon maturity for your convenience.

Applying procedures

Foreign individual applies in person to our foreign exchange branches with the Alien Resident Certificate and a second identity document, or alternatively with a legal entry permit or foreign passport with a valid entry stamp and taxpayer ID.

Minimum Amount Bearing Interest for Current Account

Minimum Amount Bearing Interest for Current Account Table 1
Currency Minimum Amount
USD 100
AUD 100
CAD 100
GBP 100
SGD 100
CHF 100
EUR 100
Minimum Amount Bearing Interest for Current Account Table 2
Currency Minimum Amount
NZD 100
HKD 100
SEK 1,000
ZAR 1,000
THB 1,000
JPY 10,000

Minimum Amount Bearing Interest for Time Deposit Account

USD 1,000 for USD account and the equivalent of USD 1,000 for all other currency accounts.

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